Thursday, June 26, 2008

We're adding the book for next month.  Ya'll be sure to read up and join us in July at Maripat's house.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Book For Book Club

Hi Readers!  This month's book club - our very first ever - was not well attended but we had fun.  Maripat has chosen the book for July.   The Last Jihad, but Joel Rosenberg.   In fact, Maripat said that she didn't finish this month's book because she is so caught up in the series that starts with The Last Jihad.  

We'll post a date for the book club after Maripat has a chance to check her calendar, but expect to be meeting at her house later in July.  

From this months meeting we learned that it's great to have other people suggest a good read.  It helps us step outside of what we usually read and discover exciting and interesting new literary areas.  I for one are really looking forward to The Last Jihad and I hope I like it as much as this month's book:  Three Cups of Tea.  If you didn't read Three Cups of Tea and want to borrow mine, I'd be glad to loan it out.  Just call.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Swimming Party

Swimming, popsicles, and drinks have been moved back a week.  Watch for an invite.  We'll let you know the new date.  

Book Club

Just one more week until book club.  Have you been reading?  Can you really put this book down without finishing?  I couldn't.  I'll see you next Wednesday - and if you haven't read the book, come anyway and have lunch with us.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bunco Date Cancelled

Sorry Ladies - no Bunco next week at Nancy's.  Too few attendees, too many conflicts.  Please let us know when you are available or interested and we'll reschedule.  Email Nancy or comment at the end of this posting.

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Bunco Night in June

Nancy has invited us to her house for Bunco on June 11.  That's a Wednesday.  6:30pm.  I'll be sweating at girl's camp and thinking about you guys having fun, enjoying friendship and air conditioning, but I'll check in when I get home to see who the new Bunco Queen is - can ANYONE dethrone Cynthia?