Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Magical History Tour - Where the Past Meets the Present

Sunday September 12 join your friends and neighbors for a walking tour of Downtown Dripping Springs. Local"historians" Carl Waits and Charles Haydon will be doing tours of several historical homes and buildings. It is sponsored by the Heritage Circle and all proceeds will benefit the Pound House Museum. This should be interesting and a lot of fun.

Tickets are $5 for adults and school age children.
The tour begins at the Old Masonic Lodge at 103 Old Fitzhugh

Refreshments will be served after the tour on the lawn of the Marshall-Chapman house at 500 Mercer Street

For more information

Marypat Powers is a member of the Heritage Circle and can answer any questions you have.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Antiques Anyone??

Hey gals, the Round Top Antique fair is just a few weeks away. Who wants to go? You have to see this place to believe it. Antiques and fun for blocks and blocks. ( And there is a restaurant there that makes the most amazing pie!) Shari Breese and Terri Bills are going - we can do either September 30 or October 1. Anyone else want to come along?

Snakes in the Preserve

Deanie Dart sent these pictures of snakes she has seen in her yard recently. Dan, her husband, convinced the darker snake to head back into taller grass. These guys are not tiny little snakes. Just imagine how many mice and crickets they eat every night. I'm glad Deanie and Danny didn't kill them - although I understand how some people may disagree with me. These guys are more afraid of us than we are of them, and will run given the chance. Still, if they rattle or are dangerous - I'd probably kill them too.