Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here's whats coming in the near future:

Anyone interested in getting a group together for any of these events - please let me know and I'll get the word out.

 The Round Top Antique and Flea market is amazingly large - miles in fact.  You can spend days there and not see everything.   Add to that the amazing pies at Royer's Cafe and it makes a really fun outing.    Check them out at :

Do we want a neighborhood Halloween party this year?  Or do we want to decorate cars or tables and sit at the ends of the driveway like the last couple of years.     Halloween is on a Monday this year - that may make a difference.  If we have a party we might think of having it the Saturday before.......


The first Saturday in November each year is the Native American Pow Wow.  It's a fun day at Toney Burger Center where different Native American tribes gather and perform their traditional dances, etc.  This event also includes some really yummy food and a great craft fair.  

The first Saturday in November is also the day of Roots, Boots, and Brisket - an annual genealogy workshop that offers classes, demonstrations, displays and lots of help for those looking for their ancestors.  This event is free and includes a free brisket/peach cobbler lunch.  It's held at the building of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Convict Hill Road in Oak Hill and is sponsored by that church and by the Austin Genealogy Association and other groups that meet to help educate and entertain anyone interested in genealogy or other related fields.   (The Journal Writing class is my favorite)  It's come-and-go and as I said:  Free.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ladies Who Lunch

In September we'll meet at Rocco's Italian Grill. The restaurant is a little farther away than most we visit but it's worth the drive. Located at 900 RR 620 South, Rocco's is a local family owned restaurant serving amazing fresh foods. Meet us there at noon on Wednesday, September 14th.

Lots of details back and forth again this year - trying to keep our children safe. Ron is working with DSISD to get the bus to drive through our neighborhood and stop at least once or twice instead of picking up on 290. So far the best we can do is let the bus turn around in the entry so the kids don't have to stand along the busy highway. We'll keep you updated.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Traffic Problems

Just a reminder: In our neighborhood there is almost always someone walking a pet, or walking for exercise. Some of our young people run, some bike, some skate board on the street. School is almost out and the number of kid playing will increase. Lets be careful!

The speed limit in the neighborhood is 25 miles per hour. That's slow enough to stop in an emergency. Anything faster adds to the danger. There have been several cases of cars speeding through our streets. I'd like to think that most of those cases involve outsiders - workers or visitors. I, for one, would rather not have our streets patrolled by law enforcement or regulated by stop signs and speed bumps but these things are being considered.

Lets be careful ourselves, and remind anyone who is visiting or providing service to be careful out there. Not too long ago someone's pet was run over and killed. That was so sad, but just imagine how it would feel to have a child killed by a speeding car.

We have a great neighborhood - lets protect it!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ladies Who Lunch - April Date and Time

Ready for lunch in April? Lets meet up at noon at the Mandola's Italian Market in the Costco Parking Lot. Come visit and laugh and get to know what's going on in the neighborhood and with our neighbors.

Water Board News

Congratulations to Ron Kelly and Marge Foster. They were recently appointed to serve on the Dripping Springs Water Board after a few members resigned to avoid a public vote. Ron will serve as Chairman and Marge will serve as Secretary/Treasurer. With these two working for us, I expect many of the "mistakes" that have plagued the water board will be fixed quickly. It's good to know honest and concerned people are out there working on our behalf.

If you get a chance - be sure to tell Ron and Marge Congratulations and
Thank You for being willing to serve.

The following is a note from Marge:

The meeting opened with some BIG surprises. The two members slated to be voted out as well as one other member resigned, effective the day before the meeting. That speaks for itself!
Therefore, there was no voting process. The by-laws provide that in the event of the resignation of a board member, the board has the authority to appoint replacements to fill their uncompleted terms. The two remaining board members chose to replace the open positions with the three candidates who had already been placed on the ballot. Ron was then chosen by the board to fill the position of president and his term has a remaining time of two years.
I was selected to fill the position of Secretary-Treasurer and my position is up for re-election in April! I really don't have much time to demonstrate the value I bring to this group! Hopefully, I will be re-elected in the meantime, I will do what I can to contribute to the progress of the board in settling unfinished matters and
achieving new plans and goals for the water company.
Again, Ron and I very much appreciate your efforts in bringing this matter to the forefront in our
subdivision and urge everyone to remain involved.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who is hungry for friendship and conversation?

Lets plan on being Ladies Who Lunch!!
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month. We'll recognize any birthdays that happen that month - February was Maripat and Deborah - and just hang out and have a good time. If you can't come every month, come once in a while. Bring a friend. And be sure to let us know if it's your birthday month!

We'll meet at 11:30 and plan to be at the lunch location by noon.
Mimi's at the galleria is a great place to meet and eat and anyone who has errands to do afterward, or just feels like shopping, can easily move in that direction from Mimi's.

I'll send out reminder emails toward the end of each month.
Let me know if you plan to make it -
I'll call in reservations so they are sure to have a table for us.