Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who is hungry for friendship and conversation?

Lets plan on being Ladies Who Lunch!!
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month. We'll recognize any birthdays that happen that month - February was Maripat and Deborah - and just hang out and have a good time. If you can't come every month, come once in a while. Bring a friend. And be sure to let us know if it's your birthday month!

We'll meet at 11:30 and plan to be at the lunch location by noon.
Mimi's at the galleria is a great place to meet and eat and anyone who has errands to do afterward, or just feels like shopping, can easily move in that direction from Mimi's.

I'll send out reminder emails toward the end of each month.
Let me know if you plan to make it -
I'll call in reservations so they are sure to have a table for us.