Friday, May 6, 2011

Traffic Problems

Just a reminder: In our neighborhood there is almost always someone walking a pet, or walking for exercise. Some of our young people run, some bike, some skate board on the street. School is almost out and the number of kid playing will increase. Lets be careful!

The speed limit in the neighborhood is 25 miles per hour. That's slow enough to stop in an emergency. Anything faster adds to the danger. There have been several cases of cars speeding through our streets. I'd like to think that most of those cases involve outsiders - workers or visitors. I, for one, would rather not have our streets patrolled by law enforcement or regulated by stop signs and speed bumps but these things are being considered.

Lets be careful ourselves, and remind anyone who is visiting or providing service to be careful out there. Not too long ago someone's pet was run over and killed. That was so sad, but just imagine how it would feel to have a child killed by a speeding car.

We have a great neighborhood - lets protect it!!