Thursday, November 20, 2008

Congratulations new Grandparents!!

Nancy and Joe Thornton are proud to welcome a new grand baby into their family. Little Wyatt is the apple of his grandma's eye. Nancy thinks being a grandma is the best - but she isn't telling Marypat and I anything we don't know. Now we'll just have to argue about whose grand babies are the cutest......

Happy Holidays!

Are you ready for the Holidays?
I've heard from several who are excited about the outside lights/decor contest this year. Here's the latest. On December 20th we'll have a team of independent (outside the neighborhood) judges view our streets and choose the top three houses. Those will be rated #1, #2, and #3 and have signs in the yard announcing their place. This will be a fun contest and I'm looking forward to driving around the neighborhood and seeing all the decorations.

ALSO: It's time for Jack Breese to defend his title as Preserve Chili King.
December 20th, 5:30pm the annual chili cook-off/Christmas party will be held at the Bill's home again this year - 970 Drifting Wind Run - with hot dogs, chili, dessert, hot chocolate, games for the kids, and a visit from Santa himself. This year we're asking those who want to - please bring a food item, non- perishable, for either human or dog. Potatoes are OK, but no fresh veggies. Canned or dry dog or cat food is great. We'll donate the items to those in need.

During the party we'll have a wagon to take groups around to see the lights in the neighborhood and maybe even sing a few carols.

The adult party will start at 8pm at Dan and Deanie Dart's house. Let us know if you can come, and if you are willing to bring a favorite bottle of wine to share, or a favorite holiday dessert.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who's in YOUR family tree?

Co Sponsored by the Austin Genealogical Society and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Roots Boots and Brisket is a free, open to everyone, day of learning and sharing genealogy.  
There are seminars available on 
•Family History
•Innovations for Genealogy, including Internet Resources
•Building a Web Page with PAF
•Personal History, Journals, Scrapbooking and Video History
•Family History Center demonstrations and Resources
plus displays on many genealogy subjects
Registration starts at 9:30 am.  Classes are from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.  
Come and go - stay for one class or the whole day.  
Come late, come early, Come when you can.  

At noon there will be a FREE brisket lunch for all attendees.

For more information you can email me or check out the the web sites