Monday, November 3, 2008

Who's in YOUR family tree?

Co Sponsored by the Austin Genealogical Society and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Roots Boots and Brisket is a free, open to everyone, day of learning and sharing genealogy.  
There are seminars available on 
•Family History
•Innovations for Genealogy, including Internet Resources
•Building a Web Page with PAF
•Personal History, Journals, Scrapbooking and Video History
•Family History Center demonstrations and Resources
plus displays on many genealogy subjects
Registration starts at 9:30 am.  Classes are from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm.  
Come and go - stay for one class or the whole day.  
Come late, come early, Come when you can.  

At noon there will be a FREE brisket lunch for all attendees.

For more information you can email me or check out the the web sites

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