Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Grandparents in the Neighborhood!

Congratulations to Jack and Shari Breeze.  Their first grandchild is here.  His name is Oliver Quinn Breese and he's just a few days old and living in Arizona with his mom and dad.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chances to Give Back

Shari Breese tells me that the YMCA here in Dripping Springs is hosting a Bunco night on Friday, March 6th, at 7:30.  Cost is $25 and the money goes to help kids who can't afford sports programs.  There will be free food, door prizes, and a silent auction.

The Austin Area Crop Walk for Food is March 7th and 8th.  This is an annual nationwide event .  In 2008 walkers, representing 110 faith communities and other organizations, raised almost $140,000.   And 25% of the money raised stays in the local area. This event is aimed at feeding the hungry and, more importantly, teaching those in need how to feed themselves.  For more information you can visit the web site at Austin CROP Hunger Walk.  If  you'd like to donate but don't want to walk, our family is walking and would be proud to include your donation with ours.  Just give me a call at 415-5782 or 829-4284.

Another worthy cause is the Burke Center.  Mandola Estate Winery and Trattoria Lisina invite you to "An Evening in the Vineyard" benefiting the Burke Center for Youth on Monday, March 2nd at 6:30 p.m.  Delicious appetizers, dinner, wine, dessert, live music, live and silent auction items including our very own Arlene Viele's donation of a 3-night stay at Dog Camp in a luxury suite.  Sorry, dogs only.  Join the Breese's and the Bills' for this special evening.  Tickets are $100 each for this fabulous night.  Contact Shari Breese for tickets at 858-0715.

Games at Julies

Those of us who gathered at Julie's house had a great time.  We played Apples to Apples and Mexican train, accompanied by a really yummy taco ring.  It was good to gather and laugh.  Thank you Julie for hosting!!

If anyone else is interested in hosting, let me know and I'll get the word out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Dripping Springs Women's Club meets once a month for lunch here in Dripping.  This month's meeting is on February 18th at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit and  the topic is gardening.  The guest speaker will be  John Dromgoole, host of America's longest running organic gardening radio talk show and owner of The Natural Gardener.  The lunch is at 11:30 and the cost is $20. If you want to go, let me know and I'll RSVP for you.  

Happy February!

Let's celebrate February with a get together at Julie Fitzgerald's house.   She as graciously invited the Preserve Ladies to come play games and share a light meal and tea on Wednesday, February 18th.  If you want wine or other beverages you are welcome to bring them with you.  Julie has Taboo, Mexican Train, or Phase 10 in mind -all of which are loads of fun.  

Let me know if you will be there so Julie knows who much food to prepare.  

Also:  if you would like to host a ladies outing, get together, game night, lunch, etc. let me know and we'll plan the calendar.  It can be chips and dip at your home, lunch in a cafe, movies, anything at all.  The idea is to get to know our neighbors.