Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy February!

Let's celebrate February with a get together at Julie Fitzgerald's house.   She as graciously invited the Preserve Ladies to come play games and share a light meal and tea on Wednesday, February 18th.  If you want wine or other beverages you are welcome to bring them with you.  Julie has Taboo, Mexican Train, or Phase 10 in mind -all of which are loads of fun.  

Let me know if you will be there so Julie knows who much food to prepare.  

Also:  if you would like to host a ladies outing, get together, game night, lunch, etc. let me know and we'll plan the calendar.  It can be chips and dip at your home, lunch in a cafe, movies, anything at all.  The idea is to get to know our neighbors.

1 comment:

NancyThornton said...

Last night was fun! I was a rookie at Mexican train, now I'm a pro (kinda)....The food was good. We need the recipe for your main dish Julie and for your cake, Terri.

It was fun laughing and enjoying friends. We can do my house for the March get together and we will invite the guys too - see if they can behave nicely and be invited back again in 2 years :)