Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April News

Watch our for pranks tomorrow- April Fools day.  My husband is the best (or is that the worst) at pranks and just knowing it's April 1 gives him the feeling it's all justified.

Also, keep on the lookout for info about a Preserve Ladies get together in April.  We're taking votes on whether to let the men come along - they were good last time at Nancy's house. Very relaxed and enjoyable evening.  I think the guys kinda liked being included.  Let me know what you think.  Should we let them come every now and then or just keep it a girls' thing?  I'll email and blog when we have firm plans.   

Meanwhile, anyone who is interested in hosting let me know and we'll get you on the schedule.  
Either "comment" at the bottom of this posting (it's easy and free to get a google account and then you can comment whenever you want)  or email me at terrib6215@aol.com

Time to Update

Brooke Robbins is updating the directory and needs your correct info.  Please email your address, names, phone, cell if you want to, and email address  to her at brookereidrobbins@hotmail.com.
Include a line that gives permission for your info to be printed and sent out around the neighborhood.   

Also, the HOA would like to start emailing invoices.  Please send Brooke your email address along with your home address if you would like to get your invoice electronically instead of through "snail mail".  I'm for anything that will save money on postage!!

As always, if you have a new neighbor please let me know their informaton - either comment at the bottom of this post or send it to me at terrib6215@aol.com  so I can include them in neighborhood news.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Community Cancer Awareness Event
Friday, April 3,  2009
7:00 - 9:00pm
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church - Church hall
400 Post Oak Road, Dripping Texas

Come visit with physicians, health professionals, and members of your community to learn about cancer.  Local health professionals will be sharing information on the most common cancers that affect men and women.  You will learn about cancer risk factors, early detection, and good healthy living habits.  We invite you to come and speak with the health professionals, as questions, and share your experiences. 
Don't miss this FREE opportunity to learn more about cancer in your community 
and how you can take an active part in living a healthy lifestyle.

For more information, contact:  Karen Candelas, American Cancer Society, 512 919-1886
Mary Moore Cavanagh, Austin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Austin, 512 924-9819

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Baby

Yesterday, St. Patricks Day, my daughter Charlie gave us another grandchild.  This one came in at 8 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches.  They've named him Anderson Cordell Hatnot.  I'm wondering where all that hair came from???

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Party at Nancy's House

March 20, 6:30 to 9 p.m. you're all invited to get a sitter and 
Join Us For Fun And Games!  
Husbands/partners too!!  - It's not just for the ladies this time. 

We'll have Mexican Train and cards and any other games you feel like bringing over.

Nancy has asked that we bring something to go with the burgers Roy will be cooking for us.  Let her know you're coming so she can be ready to feed everyone.  Email her with your information at nthornton1097@yahoo.com.   Anyone who has attended one of Nancy's parties knows that there WILL be fun.