Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April News

Watch our for pranks tomorrow- April Fools day.  My husband is the best (or is that the worst) at pranks and just knowing it's April 1 gives him the feeling it's all justified.

Also, keep on the lookout for info about a Preserve Ladies get together in April.  We're taking votes on whether to let the men come along - they were good last time at Nancy's house. Very relaxed and enjoyable evening.  I think the guys kinda liked being included.  Let me know what you think.  Should we let them come every now and then or just keep it a girls' thing?  I'll email and blog when we have firm plans.   

Meanwhile, anyone who is interested in hosting let me know and we'll get you on the schedule.  
Either "comment" at the bottom of this posting (it's easy and free to get a google account and then you can comment whenever you want)  or email me at terrib6215@aol.com

1 comment:

NancyThornton said...

Hi Terri -

My house is ready for another get together - April or May - let's include the guys again and kids - have it ouside so they can play without too much stress on the parents....you never know who will or can come, so let's try a family get together...