Monday, April 27, 2009


Ron Kelly asked me to post the following:

There will be a census taker in the neighborhood today.  Ron has verified his ID.  He shouldn't need to talk to any residents, but is here only to verify addresses.

So, if you see a strange person around the block, don't be to worried.  He's official.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What About Those Darn Deer? Cute or Kill 'em?

I've heard a lot about the deer in the neighborhood - some like to watch the graceful creatures and some want to shot them.  It seems to be a battle between gardens and their wild appetites.  I don't know if it will help at all but I did find a website for gardening around the issue.  Click on this link to find out about deer gardens in Central Texas.  It might help?

I was advised that the deer will follow the path of least resistance - if you have a fence and your neighbor has a yummy garden with no fence, the deer usually will not take the trouble of jumping into your yard.  Trying sometimes expensive and extreme measures don't always work either - one neighbor told me he once invested in Panther Pee, but it just washed off with the first rain.  Another product out there, Deer Out, claims that it won't wash off, but I've never known anyone to use it.    Others have suggested saving hair clippings or getting them from the local salons and scattering them around the edge of the areas you don't want the deer to visit.  I have no idea if this works but it sounds creepy to me.  Check out this site from  garden web and read about other things people have tried - what worked and what didn't.   It was an interesting, and often funny, read.  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Del Sol Martial Arts and Fitness: Free Fun Events

Andrea Larson let us know about Del Sol Martial Art's free programs in the area.  She says she's done a yoga class there and loved it.  Her triplets took a Kung Fu class and got a lot out of it.

Friday April 24th  6:30pm
FREE Kung Fu Movie Night - showing Kung Fu Panda - this is a community event so families can bring friends as well
Ladies Night Out, Yoga + Wine - (going on at the same time as Kung Fu Movie Night)

Sunday, May 17th
FREE Crossfit Class at 10am
FREE Yoga Class at 11am

Friday, May 29th 6:30 PM
FREE Kung Fu Movie Night - another community event that welcomes family and friends

If you are interested in more, check out their website by clicking here, or go to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Ladies Night - Men can come too

Julie Fitzgerald has invited us to her home on Thursday May 14th for some Texas Hold'em, or maybe Mexican train.   Men are invited, as long as they behave.   Bring a dessert or appetizer dish to share and come around 7pm.    

Let me or Julie know if  you're able to be there, or just show up.  Last minute is fine too.

See you there!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lost Kitty

Sally is a year old female spayed kitty - no collar - she is a tabby cat - mostly gray - very sweet disposition. Call my cell 936-556-3149 or email me at only if you have information regarding Sally. Thanks so much.

Nancy Thornton