Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bunco anyone?

Wednesday night a bunch of us got together at Nancy's house for "bunco". We never really got around to playing but we sure did have fun. If you couldn't make it, we hope to see you next time - at Terri's house to make tamales on Thursday, Feb. 7

1 comment:

NancyThornton said...

Great job Terri - Thank you.
Bunco was fun at my house. My thanks to Terri, Margaret Foster,
Arlene Viele, Shari Breese, Heidi Whitlock, Deanie Dart, Ronnie Hills, Andrea Larsen, Gail Naughton and Christy Braun for coming and making it so much fun. We learned how to play Bunco and then talked and laughed and ate the rest of the evening. We did make plans for the next months which Terri will show on this blog. Thank you to Shari, Margaret and Terri for bringing some good things to eat too.