Saturday, February 2, 2008

Now We're Cooking!!

Tamales at Terri's this Thursday, Feb. 7, at 7pm.


Michelle Baird Designs said...

I'd love to help you with you blog. If you go to my site , there is a post titled. "Repeat Post: How to Order". It's about 8 posts down. I'm sure we can come up with something fun for your new blog.
Hope to hear from you.
Michelle Baird
Shabby Creations

NancyThornton said...

The Tamale Night was Terrific! Terri outdid herself with a dinner of soup, salad, guacamole & chips and all the indgredients ready to make tamales. Shari called her Super Woman and we all agreed. Those enjoying this marvelously fun evening included myself, Shari Breese, Sheryl Armstrong, Margaret Foster, JoAnn Kelly, Gail Naughton, Ronni Hills, Deanie Dart and Arlene Viele and of course, our hostess, Terri Bills. Did I leave anyone out? This is a labor instensive activity and so well worth it. THANK YOU TERRI!