Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bunco report on 2/21

The Preserve ladies are rollin' (dice) now that Bunco has begun in the Preserve. It began with a social time of getting to know each other and touring the Breese' home, including their new waterfall/pond. There was plenty of food and drink to entice the palate. And then the real fun began. Playing Bunco was a hoot! The true personalities of the ladies came out. Some were competitive and others clueless, (those names will never be revealed). Laughing was contagious and we all had an enjoyable evening.
The next Bunco event will be at Arlene Viele's home at 748 Drifting Wind Run on Thurs. March 6th at 7 pm. Her e-mail is and her phone is #858-7533.
If you like to eat, drink, and laugh, then you should join us for an unforgettable night of fun!
Shari Breese

1 comment:

Terri Bills said...

I missed you guys. Glad to see you had fun. I have to visit that waterfall pool one of these days. Sounds great.