Monday, July 28, 2008

Hi ladies,  Maripat is starting a bible study group at her house and would like to invite anyone interested to drop in.  She's been teaching for 20 years and finds new things each time she teaches.  She uses a method  called Inductive Bible Study that teaches you to "feed yourself" from the Word of God.  If you are interested in attending just show up:

Start Date:  Friday, August 8
1280 Drifting Wind Run
10:00am to 12:30pm
Last Class:  October 3rd (intro class plus 8 lessons)
cost for Workbook:  $18.00
Topic:  Kings and Prophets #1
Contact Maripat at 858-1317 for more details.

This class picks up at the beginning of King Solomon's reign.  The study will follow a historical account of what happened during his reign, along with the messages of the Prophets who spoke at the time.  Maripat promises you will be amazed how relevant it is to our day and time.

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