Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another Exciting Critter Story

We saw this out by the pool today.  A snake caught a large frog and tried for 30 min. to drag it onto the rocks and eat it.  The poor snake was just not big enough to swallow that whole frog.  After trying valiantly it finally gave up and dropped the frog back on the rocks.  The snake retreated up under the top rock - maybe it was camera shy - and the frog body just lay there.  I was trying to figure out how to reach and remove said frog when it started to move.  Amazingly it survived being in that snake's mouth for half an hour.  Not really sure what I'm going to do about the snake in the rock but if it keeps the frog eggs out of the pool maybe I'll just give it a name and treat it like family.  (if you click on the pictures the get bigger so you can see them easier.  The last one shows the snake under the top rock and the frog down below.)   The snake appears to be a Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake - don't know what he's doing up here in Austin.  Maybe it's another kind of ribbon snake.  Whichever - it isn't dangerous.  Creepy but not dangerous.  

Sad note:  got us this morning and the frog is dead in the bottom of the pool.  I'm a little freaked about removing the body - dead things are just plain yucky!   Think I'll call Seth the pool guy.  He's great and will come out for something this dumb without even charging me.

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