Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tai Chi

If you saw the article in the American Statesman this last week you may be interested to know that Rick Sparks, of Acupuncture of America, is starting Tai Chi classes in our area.  The classes are $150.00 for 12 weeks and are limited to 4-6 people per class.  I was only mildly interested in Tai Chi until I read about how it helps with movement, balance and ailments such as arthritis.  All at low impact to the body.  Even my husband was interested after reading that article!  

If you are interested in learning Tai Chi, Rick says he will work something our just for us.  Please email me if you want to learn more.  I admit, when I went to acupuncture it was just for fun - I certainly didn't expect much from it. I was amazed at the difference in my knees.  Maybe Tai Chi will do that same.

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