Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Annual Holiday Parties

It's time! It's time!
Another holiday season is here and time for our annual Preserve Neighborhood Chili Cook Off. This family friendly party will be held at the Warren house this year to 6pm.
The Warrens live at 969 Drifting Wind Run.
Bring your chili or maybe some cookies you'd like to share, or just come and bring the family.
Soft drinks, hot dogs, etc. will be provided.
There will be fun conversation, and craft activities for the kids

It was so nice there last year I'm sure everyone is looking forward to returning to the
Dart house this year for the adult only wine/cheese/dessert party. We'll start at 8.
The Darts live at 502 Drifting Wind Run.
Please come and bring your favorite wine, or a cheese you love, or maybe a dessert that you know everyone will enjoy. Or again, just come and visit.

Don't miss this opportunity to get to know the new comers to our neighborhood, or to reconnect with friends we pass on the street but never seem to have the chance to visit with.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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