Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gardening Anyone?

I know the snow makes it hard to picture, but Spring is right around the corner. February is the month to plant. Seeds planted indoors can stay out of the ground for a bit - until this crazy weather settles down a bit - but planting seeds in the ground now is a good idea - a few more weeks and we'll lose the cool weather some plants need to develop. This month plant Asparagus Crowns, beets from seed, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbages, carrots, Swiss chard, collard greens, lettuce, English peas, Irish potatoes, radish, and turnip seeds. Onions can go into the ground now and will last a long time - pull them when the tops start to fall over. (A few years ago I planted Brussles Sprouts in January and they grew for 2 years - non stop. )

In march plant beans, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, cantaloupe, mustard, okra, Southern peas, peppers, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, and watermelons. I planted "personal melons" last year and they were so cute. Very small and sweet. Just the right size for two to share - about the size of a cantaloupe.

A few warnings: be sure not to over water. New little roots drown easy. Too much water and they can't get oxygen. Don't over mulch either - it changes the soil chemicals. Compost is good. Even better - mix a little sand into the soil for good drainage.

Container gardens are great if you don't have room for a big bed. These are especially good for herbs and for tomatoes that grow vertically. I haven't tried the planters that hand up-side down. They look interesting.

This year I'm planting these really hot peppers. They didn't produce until late in the fall - but then they gave some intense heat. Danny, who enjoys habenaros raw, ate two small bites and got sick. I'll be making jelly - it will be done in time for the Christmas party I'm sure.

We also got our trees in the ground - hope the rain didn't get to the roots. We will need lots of help when they finally produce fruit - probably in two years. Between the olives and the fruit we planted 124 trees. (I know - overkill - but I can't wait to harvest)

Anyone have garden advice? Stories? Pictures? Send them to me and I'll post them on the blog.

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