Saturday, May 31, 2008

Goups Shot

(click on the picture to enlarge)

This great photo was taken by Nancy at Ronni's banana party.  I just love a picture that hides most of me!!!  If you were not able to come you can see how much fun you missed.  But we'll have fun next time too.  Nancy is planning a bunco at her house sometime in June.  Watch for the date.  I'll be gone from June 9-14 (girls camp/ tents and all) so I may not be around to email.  

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pool, Popsicles, Pina Coladas

Andrea and Suzi invite you to come join the fun at Suzi's house on June 19.  Moms and kids - and even those of us without kids  are welcome.  It's a good time for our kids to get to know each other  and a great time to exchange information on who is available to babysit, dog walk, house sit, water plants etc.    Come from 4-6 .  

Ronni- Thanks for the Banana evening. It was GREAT!!

It's amazing what topics we end up talking about.  Sometimes strange, but always fun.  Tonight Nancy brought a calendar and we added a few events - so be sure to check the schedule.  Ronni's home is warm and inviting, the food was delicious, the conversation was lively and fun.  What more can you ask?  

Thursday, May 22, 2008

If You Enjoy a Good on

So far I've had 16 ladies express interest in holding a book club here in the Preserve.  Not a lot of feedback on what time of day you'd like, or what day of  the week.  Just to get started, how about Wednesday, June 26 at my house?  That will give us enough time to read a book.    We can make it a lunch meeting and enjoy talk and food or light refreshments.  Let me know if that works, or is later better?
The book I suggest is "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.  

comment below if you can make it - or leave questions, suggestions etc.  I have not problem changing to an evening if that works for more ladies.  Or email me:  

Change Of Date -

The picture is probably not what Ronni has in mind, but it looks good - right?

Since many of you said you want to come to Ronni's but  can't make it this weed due to the holiday, dance recital, sports function etc. Ronni changed the date.  Come next Thursday and enjoy a banana experience.  7PM on Thursday,  May 29.  BYOB.  

We'll have a calendar available to sign up to host fin the future.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bananas with Ronni

Tomorrow is the night for bananas at Ronni Hill's.  

Come around 7, come late if you have to.  Just come.  Ronni promises a great dessert  along with grilled, bacon wrapped bananas.  BYOB and lots to talk about.  Click on the "comment" line at the bottom of this post to let Ronni know you can come.  Or email her at

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's a Boy!!

Congratulations Maripat - 
You're a Grandma!  

It doesn't get much better than that - and I know,  I have six grandchildren.  That means lots of special kisses, unconditional love, and best of all, I can spoil them and send them home.

Maripat wrote:

She was due on May 18th, but ended up having him last Sunday...on Mother's day!  He is the most precious, beautiful, sweet, angelic, wonderfl, smart (I could go on and on!) baby you've ever seen!  I am in Portland right now, to stay with them for a couple of weeks, and am having the time of my life!  I will send pictures when I can...soon I hipe.  Evidence that all I've said is true!  I know every grandmother feels that way, but he is just perfect,and I can't get enough of him.  This is one time that "love at first sight" definitely applies!  See you soon!---Maripat

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Book Club Results

So far 12 neighbors have said they would be interested in forming a book club here in the Preserve.  A few - and you know who you are - are interested in someone reading the books to them, but most are content to read on their own and then share insights and comments on the chosen book over wine, ...  lunch, ... snacks ...  this is where we need input.  Do you want a noon-time book club, and evening book club, a book club combined with wine tasting where we learn a new wine/cheese combination each meeting?  (Ronnie has a friend who is an expert and will suggest combos for her) Click on the comment button after this post and let me know what is good for you. 

Now is the time to speak up if you want to host the first book club  (host gets to pick the book to read!).  If no one steps up, I'd be happy to host and hope you share my taste in books.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Thanks, Deanie, for the pictures.  Now we just need more ladies to go in the pictures.  (ever note how you can avoid having your picture taken if you are the one with the camera?)  I need to do that next time.....)

Something You May Not Know

  Who knew that Ann Haraguchi can speak Mandarin.  In fact she teaches it to children at Topnotch Learning Center in Dripping Springs.    Margaret Foster says that she was not allowed to sign up - too old.  Sorry Margaret but maybe we can talk Ann into teaching a few phrases to us "adults"??   To learn more about Ann's classes, call her:  607-6061

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Finally, Ronnie is going Bananas!!

Ronnie is ready to have us all over for her banana recipe.  I can't wait - actually I have been waiting to taste the bacon/grilled bananas since that first meeting of the Preserve ladies.  She promises a yummy desert as well.  

Ronnie will be taking Andrea's day, May 22.  Andrea has big plans for June - watch for further information.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thanks, Deanie, for having us over. Your home is beautiful and the food was great.

If anyone wants to host in June, email me and let me know what you'd like to do and when.

And The Winner Is.......

Congratulations Cynthia, you're the new Bunco Queen of the Preserve. For now. Enjoy your prize (the pineapple) and be prepared to defend your title later in the month.

We had yummy treats and lots of laughs. Learned "secrets" from some of our friend's past, and just enjoyed the company. For those who could not make it tonight, we missed you - come next time. The more the merrier. The next time the group meets will be at Andrea Larson's house on May 22.

It's "Buggy" Time

I saw my first scorpion of the season last night -  luckily the pest control guy was already scheduled for today.  He came and worked him magic in his very friendly way.  This prompts me to ask if anyone out there needs a good pest control guy, or has one to recommend.  Just comment at the end of this post - or email me - and I'll add your suggestions to the list of contractors and other resources.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bunco - This Thursday!!

I hope to see everyone at Deanie Dart's house on Thursday, May 8th for bunco.  We may even roll the dice this time!!  It's BYOB, as usual, and you are welcome to bring something to snack on if you want, but not required.  Deanie will have water and other non- alcoholic drinks there for us, as well as yummy treats.  

Please email Deanie to tell her you'll be there.  Her email is  

Deanie's address is 502 Drifting Wind Run.

That's Thrusday May 8,  7pm

Of course if you don't come, we'll have someone to talk about............