Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's a Boy!!

Congratulations Maripat - 
You're a Grandma!  

It doesn't get much better than that - and I know,  I have six grandchildren.  That means lots of special kisses, unconditional love, and best of all, I can spoil them and send them home.

Maripat wrote:

She was due on May 18th, but ended up having him last Sunday...on Mother's day!  He is the most precious, beautiful, sweet, angelic, wonderfl, smart (I could go on and on!) baby you've ever seen!  I am in Portland right now, to stay with them for a couple of weeks, and am having the time of my life!  I will send pictures when I can...soon I hipe.  Evidence that all I've said is true!  I know every grandmother feels that way, but he is just perfect,and I can't get enough of him.  This is one time that "love at first sight" definitely applies!  See you soon!---Maripat

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