Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Book Club Results

So far 12 neighbors have said they would be interested in forming a book club here in the Preserve.  A few - and you know who you are - are interested in someone reading the books to them, but most are content to read on their own and then share insights and comments on the chosen book over wine, ...  lunch, ... snacks ...  this is where we need input.  Do you want a noon-time book club, and evening book club, a book club combined with wine tasting where we learn a new wine/cheese combination each meeting?  (Ronnie has a friend who is an expert and will suggest combos for her) Click on the comment button after this post and let me know what is good for you. 

Now is the time to speak up if you want to host the first book club  (host gets to pick the book to read!).  If no one steps up, I'd be happy to host and hope you share my taste in books.


unknown said...

I'm in for the book club. Books and wine would be even better ;) Can we add a chocolate tasting?

NancyThornton said...

I'm with Heidi - but I will need someone to read to me if I drink wine.

I'm all for a daytime get together, but that leaves out alot of fun people.

Maybe the daytime group could read it and present it to the nighttime group. It might take all of us to do that.

I like mysteries and Texas History and books that make you laugh and books about wine and chocolate and why I can't lose weight.