Saturday, May 31, 2008

Goups Shot

(click on the picture to enlarge)

This great photo was taken by Nancy at Ronni's banana party.  I just love a picture that hides most of me!!!  If you were not able to come you can see how much fun you missed.  But we'll have fun next time too.  Nancy is planning a bunco at her house sometime in June.  Watch for the date.  I'll be gone from June 9-14 (girls camp/ tents and all) so I may not be around to email.  

1 comment:

NancyThornton said...

Hi Terri - How about Bunco at my house for June 11th at 6:30... That way there won't be too much time between Bunco-ers....If you can post it online, I would appreicate it. I hate you won't be there.