Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mark Your Calendars!!

November 28-29 seems to be the best date for visiting Canton Texas and experiencing the world's largest garage sale.  But they have more that garage sale items.    Artisans, craft folk, and loads of food vendors await the shoppers.  Are you up for it?  

Canton is located a south and east of the Dallas area - about a 4 hour drive from here.  We can stay nearby but need to reserve rooms now as they fill up fast.  Please click on "comment" at the end of this post - or email me - so we can be sure to have enough rooms for everyone.

The ROUND TOP ANTIQUE SHOW is coming soon.  A short drive to Round Top and we'll be deep into the world of antiques.  Sheri said it was so fun last year she can't wait to go again.  We're thinking Wednesday, October 1, leaving around 8:30  or 9:30.  Sheri says there are places to eat there and we can shop until we're tired and then head home.  Again, "comment" below or email  me if you're interested.  

Friday, August 29, 2008

Did You Know...

Sheri Breese is really on top of things around here.  She suggested we keep track of things in the area that could be interesting to us all.  I've posted that list in the right hand column.  

On that note:  Is anyone interested in attending the Round Top antique fair the first week of October?  We can go as a group - or a few here and there.

Also, the town of Canton Texas grows from it's normal size of 4000 residents to over 200,000 on the first Monday of each month when they hold the world's largest garage sale.  I hear it's a blast, but reservations are recommended for overnight visitors - it's a four hour drive so that might be the best way to go.  I'd love to visit in November and do some Christmas shopping.  Let me know if anyone else wants to make the trip.

Marble Falls is just a short trip and the Bluebonnet Cafe is worth the drive.  There are also many art shops, craft stores etc in the Marble Falls/Burnet/Llano area.  A day in the Hill Country might be fun.  ( October 4th is there city wide garage and craft sale in the city park. )

If any of these events appeal to you and you'd like to share the experience with others in the neighborhood let me know.  

And, if you have other items to add to the list, let me know that as well - local school items included - and I'll post for you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

One more note.....

Susanne Foster e-mailed me a bit more on the Board.  She says that Dean Haraguchi is working on the website and suggested, once the site is up and running, that a I post a link to that site on this blog.  I can certainly do that.  I'll let everyone know when that happens.

More info on the Board

Mim James sent this to add to Ron's comments:

The ACC (Architectural Control Committee) is a standing committee under the Board's direction.  The primary purpose of the ACC is to review plans for all "improvements" as defined in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the Preserve at Dripping Springs (ie. our deed restrictions) and to enforce the deed restrictions throughout our development.  Article VI of our deed restrictions provides additional detail regarding the specific duties and responsibilities of the ACC.

All members of the ACC are appointed by the Board of Directors including the chairman who is a member of the Board.  The ACC is currently comprised of the following residents:
Mim James, Chairman - 268 Candleleaf Cove
Chris Cole - 890 Drifting Wind Run
Josh Freidmen - 140 Drifting Sands
Melinda Frech - 203 Cinder Cove
Miles Mattews - 1326 Drifting Wind Run

When plans and proposals for improvements are submitted as required pursuant to our deed restrictions, the ACC meets at my  house to review those plans.  In addition, the Committee also reviews outstanding violations of our deed restrictions.  To date, dozens of violations have been or are in the process of being resolved as a result f the Committees enforcement activities.

Near the end of each or our annual homeowner meetings, we have asked residents to let us know if they are interested in becoming a member of the ACC.  To date, we have been successful in staffing the committee.  If you or anyone else that you know are interested in serving, please let me know so that those individuals can be considered when a vacancy arises or after the next election of the Board.

Hope this helps.  In the meantime, feel free to contact any member of the Board for additional information, and please encourage all neighbors to participate in future annual meetings where quite a bit of info is provided to all owners.

Mim James

Because Some Asked:

I wrote to Ron Kelly and Mim James asking questions I didn't know the answers to.  I think offering the blog leads people to think I'm smart - nope,  just social (is that a nice way to say nosey?).    So, for those who were interested in how things work in the Preserve, here's what Ron had to say:

Board meetings are only for the Board and are not open to the HOA members.  They are held at my house, usually on about a weeks notice.  
The President can call a meeting of the Board or 3 Board members can call a meeting.  The Board appoints members of the ACC and address issues as necessary.  We usually have 3 or 4 meetings per year.

I keep notes on Board Meetings but I don't type them up unless there is a legal issue.

The Board holds one HOA member meeting per year, in March of each year where we elect officers and give a financial report.  We give 30 days notice and ask for input from each homeowner member for our agenda.  By law nothing can be discussed unless it is on the agenda.  I keep notes regarding each agenda item and we send out the agenda items before the meeting along with voter proxy cards and any other info required.

We try to stay informal and keep our expenses low.  From everything I hear, no one wants our annual assessments to increase above $500 per lot.

We just filed our every 4 years required notice with Texas Secretary of State which gives us authority to operate.

We file annual federal tax returns which are done by a CPA firm after review of our financial records.

We use the local Wells Fargo Bank for our operating accounts.

Our annual budget is approximately $35,000.

We also annually purchase property liability and Directors and Officers coverage in case of accidents and lawsuits.

30% of our annual assessments is mandated for road maintenance and repair.  We have HOA membership approval to borrow from the road fund for our legal expenses, which was approved at the last HOA member meeting in March 2008.

We also have annual expenses for gate repair (quite a bit), Verizon telephone (for gate), PEC electric, DS Water, Timer Warner (network for website in progress) and front entrance lawn service.
We have spent close to $30,000 in legal fees so far this year with more to come.  The Board intends to protect the HOA's right to control development at the front entrance.

We need someone to volunteer to work on our website.  Let me know if you find someone.

Hope the above answers some of the questions.


Looks like we need a good web site builder - any volunteers?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Movie Report

Nancy, Margaret and I went to the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar today for a viewing of Mama Mia.  It was a BLAST!!  I'd seen the movie before but not at the Drafthouse and not with such fun ladies.  I promise - it's a whole different experience.  The only sad part was that there were so few of us.  Hopefully we can do this again and have more in attendance.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dinner and a Movie

Anyone interested, some of us ladies are getting together next Wednesday, August 27, for lunch and a movie. We're going to see Mama Mia!  Call me if you're interest in joining us.  

Book Club for September

If you enjoyed the Last Jihad, you'll love the Last Days - at least that's what Maripat tells us.  I can't wait to read it.  When I'm done I'll gladly loan it out.  I plan to order it on CD as well if anyone would rather listen during drive time, or sitting by the pool.  Just let me know.

August Bunco/Book Club

We had a blast tonight at Book Club/Bunco.  If  you were not able to come, you really missed out.  Maripat cooked enchiladas and yummy brownies with oreo pieces in them.  She made watermelon lemonade that was wonderful, and has the perfect set up for Bunco - a table that divided into two!  We were set.  We enjoyed each other, welcomed fist comers, and even the cat got into the act - you can see him sitting at the head table in one of the photos.  

Next month Nancy has offered her home and we are reading the next in the series that started with this month's book - The Last Days.  I'll bet back to you with the exact date/time.

I have to wonder - why isn't Sheri in any of these pictures?  I'm going to have to make sure to catch her next time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pre-wash, or not?

My daughter and I had a discussion on the pros and cons of prewashing dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.  We agree that it's a waste of time and energy and water.  I got to thinking that we may be just lazy - so I did the research and found over 24,000 sites that say don't pre-wash.  Yipeee.  
One site:   really shows just how much water is wasted by pre-washing.  Now I feel so much better about loading them dirty - they get just as clean.  Now if I only found a site that says to leave dishes on the counter for a week first......  Or maybe I need another dog.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Neighborhood Cans for Kids drive

We've got some really great kids in the neighborhood who want  your aluminum cans.  Pierce and Perry will collect your cans every Sunday evening if you leave them by the end of your drive - or call them for personalized pick-up at 689-1024.   These enterprising young folks will donate a portion of the proceeds from recycling our cans to charity.  What a great chance to encourage our kids and help the planet at the same time.  

Opportunity one of our neighbors - - - -

....left all your groceries  in the cart to escort a tantruming toddler to the car?
...woke up in the night to teething pains or nightmares?
... uttered a phrase like, "Don't stick that in yur nose?"
...literally cried over the 3rd  meal involving spilled milk that day?
...called everyone you knew when your child finally used the toilet for its designated use?

Remember how good it felt to know you weren't alone?

Would you consider being an encouragement to moms who are still in the thick of the preschool days?

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Dripping Springs:  2nd Fridays of each month,  8:45 - 11:15a.m., (Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb 13, March 13, April 17, May 8),    at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit.  We need moms (or women) like you, who've been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale!  Or maybe you've never "been there" but you love children, just the same!  Could you come hold a baby or sing and read with a 2 year old, or play with glitter glue with a preschooler while some moms get a chance to defuse and breathe?  Even one time  would be a HUGE help!

to volunteer or to get more information, contact:
Natalie McAden  732-0371

Friday, August 15, 2008

Austin Quilt Guild news

Several ladies in the neighborhood have expressed an interest in quilting.  The Austin Quilt Show is in September for any who want to see what's available around town and view some incredible quilts.   This year's show is called "A legacy of Quilts":  Pearls of Wisdom from Our First 30 Years.  It runs from September 26 - 28  at the New Crockett Center, 10601 N Lamar Blvd.   

Now the fun part.  Nancy and I are  planning to have lunch and visit the show together.  Anyone want to come along?    

If  you 'd like to know more their web site is:

Possum anyone??

If anyone who doubts Nancy's skill as a hostess, this should convince you.  Even the local wildlife don't want to miss out.  This week Nancy had to call Jack Breese over to help her evict an unwelcome guest.  Somehow a possum found it's way into the house.  Now we  know where to call if we have critter problems.  

I  understand the possum has moved  on to other areas and Nancy has her house back.

September Schedule

Nancy  has offered  her  home again in  September for Bunco.   Now is a great time to get  back involved with the neighborhood ladies.  We'd love to  have everyone there - and if you've never played bunco, that's OK.  It's easy to learn, almost mindless to play and loads of fun.

So, plan on Bunco at Nancy's house on Wednesday, September 24 or maybe Tuesday September 23.  She always spoils us!!