Thursday, August 28, 2008

More info on the Board

Mim James sent this to add to Ron's comments:

The ACC (Architectural Control Committee) is a standing committee under the Board's direction.  The primary purpose of the ACC is to review plans for all "improvements" as defined in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the Preserve at Dripping Springs (ie. our deed restrictions) and to enforce the deed restrictions throughout our development.  Article VI of our deed restrictions provides additional detail regarding the specific duties and responsibilities of the ACC.

All members of the ACC are appointed by the Board of Directors including the chairman who is a member of the Board.  The ACC is currently comprised of the following residents:
Mim James, Chairman - 268 Candleleaf Cove
Chris Cole - 890 Drifting Wind Run
Josh Freidmen - 140 Drifting Sands
Melinda Frech - 203 Cinder Cove
Miles Mattews - 1326 Drifting Wind Run

When plans and proposals for improvements are submitted as required pursuant to our deed restrictions, the ACC meets at my  house to review those plans.  In addition, the Committee also reviews outstanding violations of our deed restrictions.  To date, dozens of violations have been or are in the process of being resolved as a result f the Committees enforcement activities.

Near the end of each or our annual homeowner meetings, we have asked residents to let us know if they are interested in becoming a member of the ACC.  To date, we have been successful in staffing the committee.  If you or anyone else that you know are interested in serving, please let me know so that those individuals can be considered when a vacancy arises or after the next election of the Board.

Hope this helps.  In the meantime, feel free to contact any member of the Board for additional information, and please encourage all neighbors to participate in future annual meetings where quite a bit of info is provided to all owners.

Mim James

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