Thursday, August 21, 2008

August Bunco/Book Club

We had a blast tonight at Book Club/Bunco.  If  you were not able to come, you really missed out.  Maripat cooked enchiladas and yummy brownies with oreo pieces in them.  She made watermelon lemonade that was wonderful, and has the perfect set up for Bunco - a table that divided into two!  We were set.  We enjoyed each other, welcomed fist comers, and even the cat got into the act - you can see him sitting at the head table in one of the photos.  

Next month Nancy has offered her home and we are reading the next in the series that started with this month's book - The Last Days.  I'll bet back to you with the exact date/time.

I have to wonder - why isn't Sheri in any of these pictures?  I'm going to have to make sure to catch her next time.

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