Friday, August 29, 2008

Did You Know...

Sheri Breese is really on top of things around here.  She suggested we keep track of things in the area that could be interesting to us all.  I've posted that list in the right hand column.  

On that note:  Is anyone interested in attending the Round Top antique fair the first week of October?  We can go as a group - or a few here and there.

Also, the town of Canton Texas grows from it's normal size of 4000 residents to over 200,000 on the first Monday of each month when they hold the world's largest garage sale.  I hear it's a blast, but reservations are recommended for overnight visitors - it's a four hour drive so that might be the best way to go.  I'd love to visit in November and do some Christmas shopping.  Let me know if anyone else wants to make the trip.

Marble Falls is just a short trip and the Bluebonnet Cafe is worth the drive.  There are also many art shops, craft stores etc in the Marble Falls/Burnet/Llano area.  A day in the Hill Country might be fun.  ( October 4th is there city wide garage and craft sale in the city park. )

If any of these events appeal to you and you'd like to share the experience with others in the neighborhood let me know.  

And, if you have other items to add to the list, let me know that as well - local school items included - and I'll post for you.

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