Thursday, August 28, 2008

Because Some Asked:

I wrote to Ron Kelly and Mim James asking questions I didn't know the answers to.  I think offering the blog leads people to think I'm smart - nope,  just social (is that a nice way to say nosey?).    So, for those who were interested in how things work in the Preserve, here's what Ron had to say:

Board meetings are only for the Board and are not open to the HOA members.  They are held at my house, usually on about a weeks notice.  
The President can call a meeting of the Board or 3 Board members can call a meeting.  The Board appoints members of the ACC and address issues as necessary.  We usually have 3 or 4 meetings per year.

I keep notes on Board Meetings but I don't type them up unless there is a legal issue.

The Board holds one HOA member meeting per year, in March of each year where we elect officers and give a financial report.  We give 30 days notice and ask for input from each homeowner member for our agenda.  By law nothing can be discussed unless it is on the agenda.  I keep notes regarding each agenda item and we send out the agenda items before the meeting along with voter proxy cards and any other info required.

We try to stay informal and keep our expenses low.  From everything I hear, no one wants our annual assessments to increase above $500 per lot.

We just filed our every 4 years required notice with Texas Secretary of State which gives us authority to operate.

We file annual federal tax returns which are done by a CPA firm after review of our financial records.

We use the local Wells Fargo Bank for our operating accounts.

Our annual budget is approximately $35,000.

We also annually purchase property liability and Directors and Officers coverage in case of accidents and lawsuits.

30% of our annual assessments is mandated for road maintenance and repair.  We have HOA membership approval to borrow from the road fund for our legal expenses, which was approved at the last HOA member meeting in March 2008.

We also have annual expenses for gate repair (quite a bit), Verizon telephone (for gate), PEC electric, DS Water, Timer Warner (network for website in progress) and front entrance lawn service.
We have spent close to $30,000 in legal fees so far this year with more to come.  The Board intends to protect the HOA's right to control development at the front entrance.

We need someone to volunteer to work on our website.  Let me know if you find someone.

Hope the above answers some of the questions.


Looks like we need a good web site builder - any volunteers?

1 comment:

NancyThornton said...

A blogspot similar to this one would be perfect. Come up with an easy name - No expense - easy to use - input is easy - its easy to include topics - we don't need a website builder if you truly want to keep expenses down.