Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Annual Holiday Parties

It's time! It's time!
Another holiday season is here and time for our annual Preserve Neighborhood Chili Cook Off. This family friendly party will be held at the Warren house this year to 6pm.
The Warrens live at 969 Drifting Wind Run.
Bring your chili or maybe some cookies you'd like to share, or just come and bring the family.
Soft drinks, hot dogs, etc. will be provided.
There will be fun conversation, and craft activities for the kids

It was so nice there last year I'm sure everyone is looking forward to returning to the
Dart house this year for the adult only wine/cheese/dessert party. We'll start at 8.
The Darts live at 502 Drifting Wind Run.
Please come and bring your favorite wine, or a cheese you love, or maybe a dessert that you know everyone will enjoy. Or again, just come and visit.

Don't miss this opportunity to get to know the new comers to our neighborhood, or to reconnect with friends we pass on the street but never seem to have the chance to visit with.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dog Medication for free

An odd post, but it might be helpful to my fellow dog owners. Joe, our 13 year old boxer died in October. He had a great life, but left me with a full prescription of
Rimadyl and Thyroxine. Dog meds are like people meds, not cheap. If your dog takes either of these, you may have mine. Full vet information is available as to when they were purchased. Email me if interested. Thanks!

Friday, November 20, 2009

House Help anyone?

If you're looking for a little help getting things all nice and shiny for the holidays - or something more permenant - Cheryl Leonard recommends Dolce (pronounced Dull-say) Fausto. She says that Dolce is very highly recommended, reliable, honest, and very very reasonable. Her number is posted to the right for future reference - 826-2620

Saturday, November 7, 2009

DrippingThings website

Hello ladies - Happy Fall!

Shari Breese recently shared a website with me that is full of information re: our
community. Go to DrippingThings.com and check it out.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ronnie Hill sent me a note about the great work the Ballet League is doing. This year they are putting on their annual performance of the Nutcracker Ballet at the Waldorf School on Hwy 290. TexARTS is a non-porfit organization with studios in lakeway. They are trying to attract a Dripping Springs audience this year and Ronnie hopes that people in our area will enjoy their performance. It is an all child cast of 45 students between the ages of 5 and 17. Tomiya and Erin Hill will be performing - stars right in our neighborhood!! There will be two showings on Saturday December 19 (2pm and 6pm) and one showing on Sunday December 20 (2pm). At all performances the Nutcracker Boutique will be open offering all sorts of hand made skirts, bags, pants, tutus, ornaments, books etc. Just in time for Christmas. Cost of the tickets for the ballet are only $15.

Ronnie also noted that - as you can see on the above flyer - the Ballet League will hold it's first Nutcracker Tea on Sunday December 13 This will be a fully catered, sit down, traditional Tea, with Christmas carols, cookie decorating and a silent auction - AND an opportunity to meet the Sugar Plum Fairy, the Nutcracker and the Prince. If time permits, the director of the Nutcracker will be available to teach attendees the Grandfather Dance from the Nutcracker Ballet. Sounds wonderful to me. She warns that tickets for this event are very limited and are on a first come - first served basis.

All proceeds go towards scholarships, and a new sprung floor for the ballet dancers. To find out more, or for tickets, contact TexARTS at 512 852-9079 ext 101 or check out their web page.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Support DS Girl's BBall and Save money Too!!

The Dripping Springs Lady Tiger Basketball team is doing a fundraiser. They are selling discount cards to local places such as McDonalds, Dominos, Blazer Lazer Tag, etc. The cards are 10$ each and the proceeds go to DS Girls Basketball. If you're interested in supporting the DS team, and a member of our neighborhood, give Katie a call. You can contact her through her mom, Andrea Larson, at andrea@larsons.info. Or call Andrea at 512-917-1411.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Need New Windows?

Marge Foster found a great company to replace her windows. She says she has used other companies in the past with horrible results, but was very pleased with Reinhardt's Glass. It's on 290 near the "Y" and the owner, Ken Poehl lives out near us. I'll post the info in the contractors area on the blog. Thanks for the referral, Marge.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We've added a babysitter/pet sitter list

Check out the list of babysitters or pet sitters. So far only one but I'd be happy to add your young person's info.

Time to plant some of those fall veggies.
September is good for beets, carrots, chard, Chinese cabbage, collards, endive, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, head lettuce, leaf lettuce, mustard, parsley, garden peas, radishes, shallots, summer squash, spinach and turnips. Cilantro is also a good fall crop - it will grow like crazy if watered well.

Now is the time to plant trees for a good over-winter. Some fruit trees need the cold of winter to thrive or product fruit. Just be sure to water them in good so they can develop a root system, and then mulch mulch mulch. I've had great luck with plants from Natural Gardner, but my all time favorite nursery is It's About Thyme located on Manchaca Road, almost in Manchaca.

Deborah and Ron Huffman are Finally Here

Deborah and Ron Huffman have owned the house at 1131 Drifting Wind for a while now and they are finally moving here for good. Deborah has asked for recommendations in the following areas:
banking, dentist, ophthalmologist, doctor and hospital, tree service, fencing, agility trainer for their dog, dog groomer, gym, hanger for their plane, Lutheran or Episcopal church or any other they would feel comfortable with.

Give them a call if you have info that will help - or just to meet the family. They're great.

Ron's phone number is 713-898-0174. Deborah's email is deborahhuffman1@yahoo.com

We've got new Neighbors!

Mary and James Warren and their family just moved into the Preserve - in fact they just moved to Texas. Mary shared some information on her family so we can get to know her better.

The Warren family includes a 17 year old son, Zach (who I got to meet when he returned my dog to us - I was impressed by him. Seems like a great young man!) Zach is a senior and runs cross country at Dripping Springs High School. Senha is turning 13 this month and attends Dripping Springs Middle School. She love track and basketball but is not currently on a team.

Dad James is a Cardiologist (invasive and interventionist) and will be the new Director at the new Seton Hospital in Kyle that opens in October. Mary is a Cardio Vascular Tech (ultrasound of the heart, arteries and veins, cardiac stress tests/treadmills etc.) but is currently a stay-at-home mom.

They have two rescued dogs, Kodiak (or Kodi) - a white Siberian Husky and Archie, a dark brown lab/border collie mix. Both are very friendly.

Mary is always open to Bunco, lunches etc and looks forward to meeting the Ladies of the Preserve - hopefully we can get some activities planned soon. I'll keep you posted.

If you want to update your directories, James and Mary's info is:

home phone: 829-5300 Mary's cell: 719 339-4529 Mary's email address: mwarren6469@gmail.com

Monday, August 10, 2009


Del Sol Martial Arts and Fitness just turned in their updated schedule for August in case you're following them. I posted them in the events list to the right.

If anyone else has anything they'd like to post, just let me know. New neighbors? Someone's birthday? New baby or grandbaby? Keep in touch with your neighbors - send me an email and I'll post on the blog.


Water Days

Jack Breese shared these thoughts and I think they are very necessary at this time:

Everyone is aware that Central Texas is in extreme drought conditions. Recently I had a field trip as part of my Texas Master Naturalist class to Aquarena Springs in San Marcos. Amazingly it sometimes takes years for water from rainfalls in the Hill Country to wind its way through the limestone aquifers to emerge from the springs in San Marcos. In 2007 with all the rain we had, 250 million gallons a day was being pumped out of the springs. What is disturbing is that last year the rate had declined to 180 million gallons a day and this year it is down to 80 million gallons.

If you haven't noticed the recent newsletter from Dripping Springs Water Supply Corporation or the articles in the paper, we have been asked to curtail watering our lawns to Thursday an Sunday for even numbered addresses and odd number addresses to water on Tuesday and Saturday.

Homeowners are concerned about their grass dying, but with the minimal watering requested, the grass will continue to grow and if it does seem to brown, it is merely going dormant until it receives greater rainfall. I have buffalo grass planted in some parts of my backyard and have not watered it once this summer. It was as dry as straw until we received some rain 10 days ago and it has come back green. Granted buffalo grass is developed t be a hardy grass, but zoisia and St. Augustine will get along fine until we can afford to water with increased frequency.

Folks, we need to work together to protect and conserve our natural resources. I would like to see everyone in The Preserve try to do their part . . . even the ones who have private wells.

Jack Breese

Thanks Jack, this is more important than many of us realize. Also, Jack promised me we would have sufficient rain over the next few months to make our lawns happy.

Another reminder: if you are watering in the heat of the day you are "cooking" your grass and losing a larger amount of water to evaporation than if you water during the evening hours, or early morning. I know we have been guilty of not making enough effort to control our watering - as our water bill shows. My excuse - the darn water system won't do what I tell it to do. So that's another idea there - have your sprinkler system checked and set. When we lived in Austin the water utility would send out someone to regulate for us - they checked pressure, adjusted the sprinklers, etc. There are exceptions - for instance, we need to water the veggie garden at least every other day but the grass can live just fine with 2 waterings a week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wildlife by Dart

Owl - look they are holding it in their hand!!
Bird at the birdfeeder
Baby deer that the Dart's almost stepped on - later they saw it running with it's mom
Baby birds begging for food
Deanie Dart shared these pictures she took in her backyard - I'm amazed at the variety of wildlife we have here in the Preserve.

thanks Deanie - we sometimes forget just how beautiful nature is.

Sounds like there  is going to be a fun party/cook out at the Leonard's cove this July 4th.  Please let the know if you're coming - email at cleonard@apartmentfinder.com   They're planning games, a bike parade, food and more food, and sparklers to celebrate the day.  

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Help Boy Scouts Help Others

This weekend is the annual Scouting for Food.   Dripping Springs Troop 101 will collect canned goods to benefit the Helping Hands Food Pantry here in Dripping Springs Saturday morning.  As a reminder, the boys will be placing fliers on doorknobs Thursday evening.  If you would like to participate, please put donations curbside on Saturday morning.  The scouts will collect the donations then and deliver them to the Helping Hands Food Pantry.  If you have questions, call Stephanie Heinchon at 736-0455

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fragrant and Fun

June is the month for the Annual Blanco Lavender Festival.  Friday June 12 - Sunday June 14 we can enjoy Lavender Days  including a farm tour on Friday from 10-4, and a market AND farm tours on Sat. and Sun.  Hours are 9-6.  If you've ever wanted to really get to know lavender now is the time.  They are offering  classes, demonstrations, art and craft booths, music, Texas wine, Texas specialty foods,  local beer tasting, and you can even cut your own lavender.   Find out more by clicking here.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Ron Kelly asked me to post the following:

There will be a census taker in the neighborhood today.  Ron has verified his ID.  He shouldn't need to talk to any residents, but is here only to verify addresses.

So, if you see a strange person around the block, don't be to worried.  He's official.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What About Those Darn Deer? Cute or Kill 'em?

I've heard a lot about the deer in the neighborhood - some like to watch the graceful creatures and some want to shot them.  It seems to be a battle between gardens and their wild appetites.  I don't know if it will help at all but I did find a website for gardening around the issue.  Click on this link to find out about deer gardens in Central Texas.  It might help?

I was advised that the deer will follow the path of least resistance - if you have a fence and your neighbor has a yummy garden with no fence, the deer usually will not take the trouble of jumping into your yard.  Trying sometimes expensive and extreme measures don't always work either - one neighbor told me he once invested in Panther Pee, but it just washed off with the first rain.  Another product out there, Deer Out, claims that it won't wash off, but I've never known anyone to use it.    Others have suggested saving hair clippings or getting them from the local salons and scattering them around the edge of the areas you don't want the deer to visit.  I have no idea if this works but it sounds creepy to me.  Check out this site from  garden web and read about other things people have tried - what worked and what didn't.   It was an interesting, and often funny, read.  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Del Sol Martial Arts and Fitness: Free Fun Events

Andrea Larson let us know about Del Sol Martial Art's free programs in the area.  She says she's done a yoga class there and loved it.  Her triplets took a Kung Fu class and got a lot out of it.

Friday April 24th  6:30pm
FREE Kung Fu Movie Night - showing Kung Fu Panda - this is a community event so families can bring friends as well
Ladies Night Out, Yoga + Wine - (going on at the same time as Kung Fu Movie Night)

Sunday, May 17th
FREE Crossfit Class at 10am
FREE Yoga Class at 11am

Friday, May 29th 6:30 PM
FREE Kung Fu Movie Night - another community event that welcomes family and friends

If you are interested in more, check out their website by clicking here, or go to www.delsolmaf.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Ladies Night - Men can come too

Julie Fitzgerald has invited us to her home on Thursday May 14th for some Texas Hold'em, or maybe Mexican train.   Men are invited, as long as they behave.   Bring a dessert or appetizer dish to share and come around 7pm.    

Let me or Julie know if  you're able to be there, or just show up.  Last minute is fine too.

See you there!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lost Kitty

Sally is a year old female spayed kitty - no collar - she is a tabby cat - mostly gray - very sweet disposition. Call my cell 936-556-3149 or email me at nthornton1097@yahoo.com only if you have information regarding Sally. Thanks so much.

Nancy Thornton

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April News

Watch our for pranks tomorrow- April Fools day.  My husband is the best (or is that the worst) at pranks and just knowing it's April 1 gives him the feeling it's all justified.

Also, keep on the lookout for info about a Preserve Ladies get together in April.  We're taking votes on whether to let the men come along - they were good last time at Nancy's house. Very relaxed and enjoyable evening.  I think the guys kinda liked being included.  Let me know what you think.  Should we let them come every now and then or just keep it a girls' thing?  I'll email and blog when we have firm plans.   

Meanwhile, anyone who is interested in hosting let me know and we'll get you on the schedule.  
Either "comment" at the bottom of this posting (it's easy and free to get a google account and then you can comment whenever you want)  or email me at terrib6215@aol.com

Time to Update

Brooke Robbins is updating the directory and needs your correct info.  Please email your address, names, phone, cell if you want to, and email address  to her at brookereidrobbins@hotmail.com.
Include a line that gives permission for your info to be printed and sent out around the neighborhood.   

Also, the HOA would like to start emailing invoices.  Please send Brooke your email address along with your home address if you would like to get your invoice electronically instead of through "snail mail".  I'm for anything that will save money on postage!!

As always, if you have a new neighbor please let me know their informaton - either comment at the bottom of this post or send it to me at terrib6215@aol.com  so I can include them in neighborhood news.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Community Cancer Awareness Event
Friday, April 3,  2009
7:00 - 9:00pm
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church - Church hall
400 Post Oak Road, Dripping Texas

Come visit with physicians, health professionals, and members of your community to learn about cancer.  Local health professionals will be sharing information on the most common cancers that affect men and women.  You will learn about cancer risk factors, early detection, and good healthy living habits.  We invite you to come and speak with the health professionals, as questions, and share your experiences. 
Don't miss this FREE opportunity to learn more about cancer in your community 
and how you can take an active part in living a healthy lifestyle.

For more information, contact:  Karen Candelas, American Cancer Society, 512 919-1886
Mary Moore Cavanagh, Austin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Austin, 512 924-9819

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Baby

Yesterday, St. Patricks Day, my daughter Charlie gave us another grandchild.  This one came in at 8 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches.  They've named him Anderson Cordell Hatnot.  I'm wondering where all that hair came from???

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Party at Nancy's House

March 20, 6:30 to 9 p.m. you're all invited to get a sitter and 
Join Us For Fun And Games!  
Husbands/partners too!!  - It's not just for the ladies this time. 

We'll have Mexican Train and cards and any other games you feel like bringing over.

Nancy has asked that we bring something to go with the burgers Roy will be cooking for us.  Let her know you're coming so she can be ready to feed everyone.  Email her with your information at nthornton1097@yahoo.com.   Anyone who has attended one of Nancy's parties knows that there WILL be fun.  

Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Grandparents in the Neighborhood!

Congratulations to Jack and Shari Breeze.  Their first grandchild is here.  His name is Oliver Quinn Breese and he's just a few days old and living in Arizona with his mom and dad.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chances to Give Back

Shari Breese tells me that the YMCA here in Dripping Springs is hosting a Bunco night on Friday, March 6th, at 7:30.  Cost is $25 and the money goes to help kids who can't afford sports programs.  There will be free food, door prizes, and a silent auction.

The Austin Area Crop Walk for Food is March 7th and 8th.  This is an annual nationwide event .  In 2008 walkers, representing 110 faith communities and other organizations, raised almost $140,000.   And 25% of the money raised stays in the local area. This event is aimed at feeding the hungry and, more importantly, teaching those in need how to feed themselves.  For more information you can visit the web site at Austin CROP Hunger Walk.  If  you'd like to donate but don't want to walk, our family is walking and would be proud to include your donation with ours.  Just give me a call at 415-5782 or 829-4284.

Another worthy cause is the Burke Center.  Mandola Estate Winery and Trattoria Lisina invite you to "An Evening in the Vineyard" benefiting the Burke Center for Youth on Monday, March 2nd at 6:30 p.m.  Delicious appetizers, dinner, wine, dessert, live music, live and silent auction items including our very own Arlene Viele's donation of a 3-night stay at Dog Camp in a luxury suite.  Sorry, dogs only.  Join the Breese's and the Bills' for this special evening.  Tickets are $100 each for this fabulous night.  Contact Shari Breese for tickets at 858-0715.

Games at Julies

Those of us who gathered at Julie's house had a great time.  We played Apples to Apples and Mexican train, accompanied by a really yummy taco ring.  It was good to gather and laugh.  Thank you Julie for hosting!!

If anyone else is interested in hosting, let me know and I'll get the word out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Dripping Springs Women's Club meets once a month for lunch here in Dripping.  This month's meeting is on February 18th at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit and  the topic is gardening.  The guest speaker will be  John Dromgoole, host of America's longest running organic gardening radio talk show and owner of The Natural Gardener.  The lunch is at 11:30 and the cost is $20. If you want to go, let me know and I'll RSVP for you.  

Happy February!

Let's celebrate February with a get together at Julie Fitzgerald's house.   She as graciously invited the Preserve Ladies to come play games and share a light meal and tea on Wednesday, February 18th.  If you want wine or other beverages you are welcome to bring them with you.  Julie has Taboo, Mexican Train, or Phase 10 in mind -all of which are loads of fun.  

Let me know if you will be there so Julie knows who much food to prepare.  

Also:  if you would like to host a ladies outing, get together, game night, lunch, etc. let me know and we'll plan the calendar.  It can be chips and dip at your home, lunch in a cafe, movies, anything at all.  The idea is to get to know our neighbors.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year

We've finished with Christmas parties, New Year's parties, and college football.  
Is it time to get back to "normal" around here?  

January is a great month for planting seeds indoors to be transplanted outside when we're sure the weather will cooperate - late April or early March is good.  If anyone is interested in a trip to a nursery, or getting together to plant and plan, let me know.  I'll set it up.  Now is also a good time to prepare beds for those plants that come already sprouted (like at the nursery or Home Depot)  Adjusting the soil and adding fertilizer now is a great way to get quality veggies or flowers later.  If you're thinking shrubs and trees, Natural Gardner just got in some bare root plants that look amazing. 
It's also a great time to get something started back up for the women in the preserve.  
Bunco, cooking, Taboo, monthly lunches - what would you be interested in?